Jonesboro, GA 30216, USA


STEM Apprenticeship

The goal of Youth Aviation Talent Search program is to increase the number of youths from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue careers in the aerospace field and earn FAA credentials that will meet the future demands of the aviation workforce.

As the commercial aviation industry navigates an uneven global recovery from the recent market downturn caused by COVID-19 effective training and an adequate supply of personnel remain critical to maintaining the health, safety and prosperity of the aviation ecosystem.

Long-term demand for newly qualified aviation personnel remains strong, as 612,000 new pilots, 626,000 new maintenance technicians and 886,000 new cabin crew members are needed to fly and maintain the global commercial fleet over the next 20 years.

Meeting projected pilot, aircraft mechanic and flight attendant demand is wholly dependent on industry’s investment in a steady pipeline of newly qualified personnel to replace those who have left or will soon exit the industry through mandatory retirement, early retirement, recent layoffs and furloughs, and ongoing attrition. The global aviation industry will need to keep a sharp focus and engage in collective efforts to build a robust, diverse talent pipeline through more educational outreach and recruitment, development of new pathways to aviation careers, investment in early-career learning opportunities, and deployment and adoption of more efficient learning methods. Opportunity for aspiring aviators will abound while operators will face stiff competition in recruiting and retaining top tier talent.

The Youth Aviation Talent Search program will  provide academic, career, and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue to and complete their postsecondary education in the aerospace field and/or pursue aviation employment.

The program will publicize the availability of financial aid and assist participant with the postsecondary application process. Youth Aviation Talent Search will also encourage individual who have not completed education programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or reenter and complete postsecondary education in an aerospace field.